Arkansas' new drone legislation on drones in public safety based on country of manufacture

Arkansas’ new drone legislation? Are more states going to follow soon?

Welcome to PROPS Public Safety podcast. A podcast where we answer questions related to public safety pressing issues, concerns, latest news and provide our insights from our learnings and collaborations with experienced professionals in the public safety team.


On today’s show, hosts John and Mike discuss about Arkansas’ new drone legislation on drones that will be authorized for flying in the state for public safety and its notable guidance on avoiding drone manufactured in China and Russia. We discuss the implications this will have in the public safety industry and how lists such as green list and blue list will regulate the drones in the public safety industry. John and Mike also discuss what future states might follow Arkansas in regulating drones in the market.


Tune in today to learn about about the current state of drones in the market and what the future holds for the drone industry !!


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[1:25] How Arkansas is releasing a legislation to regulate drones in public safety based on country of origin
[04:31] What is the Blue list and what is the green list and the difference in the lists
[16:41] How equipment and manufacturers in the different lists can be more efficient and receive better feedback to keep improving
[19:41] Are there other states that will follow Arkansas in releasing new legislations?

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