What is on the horizon for public safety using drones?

What does the future hold for public safety programs? How can pilots be prepared for the road ahead?

Welcome to PROPS Public Safety podcast. A podcast where we answer questions related to public safety pressing issues, concerns, latest news and provide our insights from our learnings and collaborations with experienced professionals in the public safety team.


On today’s show, hosts John and Mike discuss about what lies ahead for public safety programs and missions and how the market and industry is gradually changing.


John and Mike discuss the specifics of things affecting the public safety domain that pilots need to be aware of and understand how these affect the future. We go over critical aspects such as federal regulations, relevant products and equipment pilots should know for conducting successful missions, DJI’s future in the public safety domain and how industries, municipalities and agencies are coming together to standarize process and methods in the industry. We also go over upcoming industry events and presentations relevant to the industry.


Tune in today to learn about about how the future of public safety is gradually developing in the country and what it means to you!!


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[1:35]What have John and Mike been busy doing this summer for the drone community
[3:50] Is DJI products the best for public safety missions?
[7:21] Upcoming regulatory meetings relevant for public safety
[12:30] Building in-house public safety and inspection programs and efforts required for training and equipment
[14:51] Drone permits in NYC and future proposals for the use of drones
[17:24] Other projects and events coming up in the public safety industry


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